Thursday, August 29, 2013

Almost Granny's Chicken & Rice


Oh, how I loved my Granny's chicken and rice!  
We always called it "Sticky Chicken & Rice"!  
The other day while it was raining and I was stuck inside, 
I decided to try and recreate it.  
It still wasn't as wonderful as Granny's but it was very close :)

I had roasted about 1 pounds of chicken breast for another recipe and used the stock from that to add to the water to make the rice.   
  I had about 1 cup of stock and then added about 1 cup water.  
I salted and peppered the water generously.  

I brought this to a boil and then added my 
1 1/2 cups Jasmine rice (or rice of your choice).  
I brought it back to a boil, covered it and turned the stove eye off.  I set the timer for 25 minutes and viola--perfect rice!  

Then in a large stock pot, I added the rice, about 1 lb raw chicken breast, about 2 cups chicken broth and 1/2 stick of butter. 

I believe my Granny always used a whole chicken that she cut up herself, which really makes a richer broth---
I only have chicken breasts in my freezer, so I'll have to be adventurous one day and try it her way! 

I seasoned this heavily again with pepper, some salt and my favorite--Morton's Nature Seasoning.  

Cook about 45 minutes until chicken is done. 

When the chicken is done, add the rice. 
Keep the temperature on low and stir until well combined.  
You can add more broth if necessary.  
You want it to be creamy but not soupy.  


The perfect rice made with the saved chicken stock and water...

To your large pan, combine the stock, chicken breasts, 
butter and seasonings....

The beautiful chicken and broth!

Add the rice and stir until well combined...season to taste...

Get ready to have a big hug for your tummy!

This is my sweet Granny...
She got married at 15 years of age...
She had 13 children...
Raised them all on a farm with wood stoves, 
washboards, and no running water.  
I always told her I had no idea how she survived it all!
  My Momma and twin sister was born while ladies 
held a quilt over Granny to keep the snow 
from falling on her through the cracks in the roof.  
 The midwife and my Granny's Mom put the babies in a box in the wood stove to warm them--the doctor said they'd never survive.  The twins are now approaching their 85th birthday in October :)
 One of her all time cakes she was known for was a yellow cake with chocolate icing "stacked in pecans" as my Momma calls it.  When we went to her house, we always looked 
in the metal cake plate to see if one was waiting for us!  
Granny couldn't read or write but was one of 
the best cooks we have ever known!  
She and Momma always cooked the Tiny Nine Layer cakes 
with a delicious cooked chocolate frosting...
which reminds me...
I really need to cook and add these 2 cakes to my blog!  :)

She passed away suddenly at 91 years of age...
we still miss her terribly.  
She was the glue that held us all together. 

And if you are fortunate enough 
to have your Granny still with you
please find time to go give her a big hug as well :)

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