Thursday, August 22, 2013

red velvet cake

Thanks to my friend, Joyce, I have an awesome recipe to share!  
I catered her daughter's bridal shower recently and she gave me her family's favorite mushroom recipe to prepare.  

It was so deliciously awesome that I believe 
I could have hid in a closet and eaten the entire pan!  
Hope you enjoy!

Joyce's Stuffed Mushrooms

3 lbs baby portobello mushrooms, 
brushed clean and any dark gills removed

1 lb sage pork sausage

1/4 cup minced onion

1 large clove of garlic, minced or pressed

8 oz cream cheese, at room temperature

2/3 cup soft bread crumbs

2 TBSP minced fresh parsley

1 tsp lemon juice

1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Sweet Hungarian Paprika

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  

Remove stems from the mushroom caps, 
trimming the stems and reserving them for the stuffing.  

Place cleaned mushrooms cavity side up in a shallow baking dish lined with foil that is sprayed lightly with vegetable oil.

Place the trimmed mushrooms stems in a food processor 
and pulse until they're roughly chopped into 1/4 inch bits.  
Set aside.

Saute' sausage and onions in a skillet until cooked through.  Drain.  

Add the garlic and chopped mushroom stems.  
Gently saute' until mushroom moisture is released and evaporates.  Set aside to cool.  

Combine cooled sausage, mushroom stems, 
cream cheese, bread crumbs and parsley.  
Mix thoroughly.  

Mound sausage mixture into mushroom caps.  
Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and the Sweet Hungarian Paprika.

Bake stuffed mushrooms for 25 - 30 minutes 
or until mushrooms are tender and tops are golden.  
Let cool 5 minutes before serving. 


During the prep of the mushrooms, 
I discovered I do not like to clean and prepare mushrooms...
at all...

I massacred the first one and the handsome man 
made me go do something else...

I wasn't sad a bit! ;)

These are the stems we saved to chop 
and add to the sausage mixture...

These were the pretty shrooms when he finished...

I busied myself by cooking the sausage and the onions...

I added the garlic...

I drained the sausage and then stirred in the cream cheese...

I chopped the parsley...

and I added it the sausage mixture 
along with the chopped mushroom stems
and the lemon juice...

 and then stirred in bread crumbs to the sausage mixture...

I was good at stuffing those beautiful mushrooms!

I sprinkled them with the Parmesan cheese...

And then added the secret ingredient--Sweet Hungarian Paprika!

Look how amazing!

Oh, my!  
The end result!  

Simply delicious :)

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