Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pumpkin Cake Roll


This is one of my very favorite recipes 
that I have been making now since I was 16!  
I love it because if you can get in the 
pumpkin cake roll zone--yes, there is a zone :)--
you can whip up a few in no time, freeze, 
and give away or take to parties during the holidays!
One can of the pumpkin makes 2 rolls.

 Pumpkin Cake Roll

3/4 cup cake flour
1 cup sugar
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 cup solid pack,canned pumpkin
3 eggs
1 tsp lemon juice
2 TBSP confectioners sugar
8 oz cream cheese
1/4 cup butter
1 tsp vanilla 
1 c confectioners sugar

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  
Place parchment paper in  a 9x13 inch 
jelly roll pan or cookie sheet.

Separate the eggs and set the whites aside.

In a large mixing bowl, mix together flour, sugar, 
baking soda, and pumpkin pie spice.

Add pumpkin, egg yolks, and lemon juice.

Mix well until combined.

With your mixer, whip the egg whites until soft peaks form.

Fold gently into the pumpkin mixture.  

Pour mixture into prepared pan. Spread the mixture evenly.

Sprinkle 1/2 cup chopped pecans over batter.

Bake at 375 degrees for 15 minutes.

Lay a linen towel on the counter, sprinkle it with confectioner's sugar, and carefully turn the cake onto the towel.

Gently peel away the parchment paper.

Carefully roll the towel up (lengthwise) with the cake in it. 
 Place the cake-in-towel on a cooling rack 
and let it cool for 20 minutes.

While the cake is cooling, make the filling.   
In a mixing bowl, blend cream cheese, butter, 
vanilla, and sugar until smooth.  

When the cake has cooled 20 minutes, 
unroll it and spread icing onto it. 

 Immediately re-roll (not in the towel this time), 
and wrap it with plastic wrap and or foil. 

Keep the cake refrigerated or freeze it 
for up to 2 weeks in aluminum foil. 

Cut the cake in slices just before serving.


Combine your dry ingredients....

Separate the eggs...

 Add the yolks to your dry ingredients along with the lemon juice...

Add the cup of sugar next...

 And the delicious pumpkin...

With your mixer, beat the egg whites until soft peaks form...

Like this...

Fold them into the pumpkin mixture gently...

Spread the batter in the parchment-lined pan...

Sprinkle the chopped pecans on next...
and bake at 375 degrees for 15 minutes...

Sprinkle your towel with confectioners sugar...
Carefully turn cake out onto towel...

Roll up the towel with the cake...

Like so...and let cool about 20 minutes...

Meanwhile, make the filling...

Carefully unroll the cake and spread the filling...

Like this..
and carefully re-roll the cake minus the towel...

It will be most beautiful like this!


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