Monday, February 25, 2013

Double Doozy Birthday Cookies


 Today is my oldest son, Christopher's, twenty-seventh birthday!  

Christopher, this is why no one at work believes I'm your Mom....


This was the day I brought you home from the hospital and 
I look 12 and we both look frightened to death!  

 But, we both grew up and survived each other!  

And you became even more adorable!

And became most happy when you could get up and go!

You enjoyed fine dining even back then :)

You were always a snappy dresser!  
And had many adventures with your sister...

 Your Ninja Turtle toys and Ghost-busters were your favorites!

  And then there were three...
and the adventures kept coming...

You were even a Florida Gator back then...

And grew up on all the golf courses of Pensacola...

What a handsome son! 

 And adored by your brother and sister :)
(Even if they won't admit it out loud!)

Then the heavens smiled upon you and you were blessed 
with this most wonderful wife...


We've had much fun with the whole gang  :)

And the blessings still flow with this beautiful little girl...

 And this mess of a little boy!  :)

  You've given me so much joy and happiness, my Christopher.  
I am so proud of you and happy for the path you have taken in life.  I pray wonderful blessings for you always. 
Have a happy birthday!

Even when you're twenty-seven, 
you still need a special treat for your birthday :)

Today, I'm making Double Doozy Cookies to take 
to work for Christopher and his team.  

Every now and then, Christopher and I would enjoy sharing one 
at the mall when he was growing up :)


Double Doozy Birthday Cookies

This is REALLY simple...ready...

I bought a container of chocolate chip cookie dough or you can just use a roll of dough if you aren't making enough for an army...

To make them taste like the cookie in the Mall, 
add 1/4 cup corn syrup to the dough and stir...

 I used a small scoop to kinda get them pretty uniform...


 I poured out this new bag of weird color M&M's....sigh...
and then had to get rid of the girly pink and purple ones...
for you, Christopher...just for you...:)

I added 4 to each of the cookies...

I baked them at 350 degrees for about 10-12 minutes...
till slightly brown...

 After completely cooled, open the whipped frosting....

Slather it all over one cookie and top with another...

Until you have this utterly awesome pile of 
Double Doozy Cookies to enjoy!  

You don't even have to wait till your birthday :)

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