Friday, October 4, 2013

Pork Chops and Green Chili Rice Casserole

Pork chops, rice, green chilies, onions, soy still my heart!

This is such a quick and easy recipe to put together 
and it was so very delicious!  

Pork Chops and Green Chili Rice Casserole

4-6 boneless pork chops
1 TBSP oil
I medium onion, chopped
1 can 4 oz chopped green chilies
1 can cream of chicken & mushroom soup
1 1/2 tsp celery salt
3 TBSP soy sauce
2 cups cooked rice--we used Jasmine

In a large skillet, over medium high heat, cook pork chops in oil for 2-3 minutes on each side until they are lightly browned; 
place on paper lined platter to drain; set aside.  

In the same skillet, saute the onion and chilies 
until the onions are tender.  
Stir in the cooked rice, soup, celery salt and soy sauce.  

Place in a greased 2 qt casserole.  
Top with the pork chops.  
Bake at 350 degrees 30-40 minutes. 


The delicious cast of characters...

Season the pork chops with some salt and pepper and 
saute' them about 2 to 3 minutes on each side...

After removing the chops from the pan, saute the onions and 
green chilies until the onions are tender...

Stir in the soup, celery salt and soy sauce...

Pour the rice mixture in a greased casserole dish 
and place the pork chops on top...

Bake 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes. 

Yum! This is my new FAVORITE pork chop dish!!

Martha Stewart--Not!

My sweet daughter-in-law sent out a tweet this past week 
lamenting that she was not cooking savvy--
that she was not "Fried Pies and Fireflies"...

Well, I happen to know that my daughter-in-law is a wonderful cook and so talented in many things that I am not!  

But then I thought, well, I guess when someones posts 
blogs of delicious food day after day, 
anyone could get a little intimidated at that!  
It's kinda like we all feel about Martha Stewart's 
perfect world she portrays :)

I do have a great passion for cooking, 
but not everything I try turns out great....

Recent examples...

We really love Wendy's Chili and I tried 
to re-create it for my blog this week.  

I sent some in the sweet man's lunch for him to try.
Now, mind you, that fella never has unkind words...

I asked him, " was the chili?" 

He paused...and said, 
"Well, to tell you the truth, I really didn't like it."

"Ok," I said, "what do you think it needs to taste like Wendy's?"

"Well...probably to come from Wendy's!"

Ouch! we will put that one on the back to speak :)

I also tried a biscuit and gray breakfast casserole...
Who doesn't like biscuits and gravy...right?

It was quick, easy, had some wonderful ingredients...
as well as cheese...surely it would be heaven in a 9 x 13 pan...

I tried a piece before leaving for work and it was a 

I told that sweet fella that I had left a few casseroles in the refrigerator for him, but I certainly did not mention that one.

The next day he asked, 
"Can you tell me what all the dishes were in the refrigerator?"

After I went over the 3 he could identify, he said, 
"What was that in the large pan?"

"Oh, you tried that?"

"Yes..."  and complete silence...

"What did you think?"

"Well, it was quite horrible!"

"I tried to eat it but I really couldn't even force it down..."

Yes, THAT"S what I want to be remembered for....
someone having to force my recipe down!!

There are many more examples of "fails", but that's why I'm here!
To be able to be your virtual test kitchen and only pass along 
the recipes that pass every taste test here at home :)

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