Thursday, April 11, 2013

Angel Hair Pasta with Spinach


This was a really quick and easy dish to 
come home and throw together after work.  

I love the bagged baby spinach in salads or cooked...
especially with pasta!  

I've never used the Kraft Cooking Creams before this recipe...
but I loved it!  Can't wait to try all the flavors! 

Angel Hair Pasta with Spinach 
1 lb angel hair pasta
6 TBSP Butter
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 bag baby spinach, chopped
      1/2 container Kraft Philadelphia Cooking Cream Italian Herb 

Grated Parmesan Cheese for topping

Cook the spaghetti according to directions on the package.  
Drain and set aside.  
In a skillet over medium low heat, melt the butter.  
Add the minced garlic and saute' 3-5 minutes 
until soft and fragrant. 
Don't burn or over-brown or the garlic will be bitter.
Chop the spinach into small bite size pieces and add to the skillet.  Stir for just a minute or so until it's softened. 

Add the 1/2 container Kraft Philadelphia 
Cooking Cream Italian Herb.  

Add spaghetti to the skillet and stir well to combine.
While in the pan, add a good handful 
of the grated Parmesan Cheese.  
     Turn the temperature on low and put a lid on it  
    to melt the Parmesan Cheese. 

The ingredients...

Melt the butter and add the garlic...

 Throw in the chopped spinach...

Add the spaghetti and the cooking cream...

Add a good handful of Parmesan cheese 
and cover with a lid for a few minutes to let it melt...

We enjoyed it with those wonderful Pesto Crescent Rolls...
most wonderful!!

I took these pictures at my sweet cousin, 
Susie's house the other day....

She has so many nice little touches that makes you feel at home!

I love this sign...

 So that day...I did just that....

I curled up on this beautiful swing and was lulled to sleep 
by the peaceful wind the the sound of the lawn mower....

It's been a long time since I took a nap in a swing on a porch...
I highly recommend it!  

I actually woke up to the sound of the Ice Cream Man!  
I honestly thought my day could not get any better than this!  

I stopped the sweet mechanic and said, 
"Can I have money for the Ice Cream Man?"

"Sure," he said, "How much do they charge now days anyway?"  "One, five, ten or twenty dollars!"  

"Not sure," I said..."Just give me the twenty, just in case!"...
a girl has to be prepared, you know...

Well, I could hear his music forever but, alas, 
I never encountered him...

Maybe another day :)  

But today, "Enjoy Life" something special for you....
relax, nap, read a book, watch the waves at the beach ...
life is too precious not to!   

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